
For the successful trade, accessories are often needed which help our business in some way. They can ease our job, they can protect us from smaller or larger injuries, as a marketing trick, we can stand out from the crowd, or even provide an extra service for our customers. Our purpose is a good partnership, by which we can help your business, as well.


The easiest and the best quality-protection method during transportation is to wrap up the trees with a tying net. It makes packing and transportation easier and protects you from occurant stings. Besides, it lets the pine tree breathe.     

Packing funnel

POur partners definitely need a pine tree packing funnel for selling the trees, which helps to pack them easily. Several materials and sizes.

Craving machine

The most difficult tusk in the process of setting up the Christmas tree is craving its trunk in the holding device. Where there are problems, there are solutions: we have the opportunity to provide craving machines for our partners which helps craving the foot of the trees to different diameters or lengths. This way setting up the tree does not cause problem in neither household.

Pine tree holder

Do not lay the trees on the ground, show your customers the offered pine trees. You can buy and sell holders of several types, materials and appearances for trunks of different sizes.

Marketing tool

You can stand out even from the biggest crowd. Show yourself to the people, so that they get interested. In a huge crowd or along the roads. Poster of unique size with uniqe slogan – or you can signal to your customers even with a 7 metre high Santa Claus that the most beautiful pine trees can be find at you.