Pine Trees

Nordmann/Caucasian fir

Nordman fir – or in another name Caucasian fir – is named after the Finnish botanist, Alexander von Nordmann who started his 1837 expedition in the Caucasus. He discovered the most frequent and beautiful Christmas decoration of our days. The most beautiful Nordmann firs arrive from the ideal, mild seaside but sunny climate of Denmark for more than 50 years to our homes. The Nordmann is the most durable type, it is not fragrant but its form with the dark green needles, which sting only mildly, compensates this. There are many types within the Nordmann kind, that is why it is necessary to pay attention to the class of the chosen plant. The quality is ensured by the climet, the weather, the soil and by the qualified care of the trees. All of these can be found on the Danish ground, that is why Denmark is the greatest pine tree trader. Annually, they sell more than 9,000,000 pine trees worldwide. Due to its taproot it bears the drier weather, as well, as the root reaches the wet soil deeper contrary to the spruce or the blue spruce. Nordman firs can be cut at the age of seven or eight.


In Denmark, the spruce was accepted as the “true Christmas tree” but nowadays it is not used only for this because it can be grown Europe-wide in several areas, as it is not as irritable as the other types. Its root does not go deep, so if the quality of the soil is not appropriate, it is enough to simply change the topsoil only. Spruce is cheap in the market and is popular among the customers due to its sweet smell. It is frequently grown in gardens or is used for sylviculture, too. They have to be re-planted at the age of 3-4 but after that they can be used as Christmas trees within 1-2 years.

Blue Spruce

Blue spruce is named after its beautiful greyish colour (in Latin: Picea Pungens). Among customers, it is the most popular type of pine trees after the Nordmann fir, due to its beauty and durability (it keeps its needles better than the spruce but less than the Nordmann). Its major weakness is the big temperature fluctuation, that is why it is very important to gradually accustom it to the interior after bringing it from outside and vica versa. Its shorter needles are the spikiest ones. It grows very high, its crown is thick – that is why it is like a regular cone. On average it is 20 metres high – it happens quite rarely that the blue spruce grows up to 40-45 metres high, but its growth is really slow.


So many households, so many demands. It is important for us that everybody would have the opportunity to select. So we provide for our partners pine trees of several qualities and sizes, so that they would have the opportunity to sell trees to their customers according to their demands. Thanks to a marketing proposal, there was a chance to create a certificaton body. Trading with Danish pine trees is market leader in Europe. Annually, more than 9 million trees are sold. To preserve a certain quality of the Nordmann firs, the brand of ‘Original Nordmann’ was created. We represent this brand, as well.


For the winter holidays, would you like to buy a prominently beautiful pine tree for your family in your home? It is possible with us! Our most beautiful pine trees belong to the category of ‘prime’ (or ‘red’). Their appearance is ideal in every aspect: their parts are evenly arranged and have rich branches. You can order trees of several heights and kinds.


They are beautiful in an aesthetical aspect, though they are not arranged as thickly as the ones of the prime category. Despite this, they still show a harmonic appearance, so the occurrent irregularities do not cause aesthetical problems. You can find them in several heights and every type.

Second Class

Pine trees of the worst quality are the second-class ones. Their arrangement and thickness are somewhere imperfect, but their appearance still show the cosiness of Christmas. Although it is a lower class professionally, it is a typical category for the price-sensible clientele. You can find them in several heights and every type. 



For the winter holidays we usually set up and decorate cut trees. Cutting the trees directly precede transportation, which increases the time of duration.

Pot grown

Customers often like to plant the Christmas trees in their gardens after Christmas, that is why it is possible to buy pine trees with a pile of topsoil that covers the roots and a textile sack is wrapped around it. This makes it possible to keep the tree in a pot during the winter holidays. After this, it is easy to plant the pine tree in the garden.